Tuesday, November 15, 2011

One Down, Two to Go....

Not much sleep was had last night.  I was tired, but I was also afraid that we wouldn't wake up on time and the entire trip would be shot.  Annita and I turned off the lights and TV in the hotel room at about 10:30, knowing that the alarm on my cell phone would go off at 4:30 AM.  It seemed like I had just closed my eyes when the hotel room alarm clock started going off.  Apparently, the previous occupant was thinking of us and set the alarm to go off at midnight.  Annita pounded on the clock until it quieted down.  Approximately 9 minutes later, we found out that she hadn't turned it off, she had only hit the snooze button.

When the cell phone did go off at 4:30, there was a slight "discussion" about who was going to take the first shower and who got to sleep for another 10 minutes.  I won.  And by that, I mean I got to take the first shower.

We made our way downstairs and after a brief stop at Wal-Mart, we were off to the airport.  It's amazing how empty Wal-Mart is at 5:15 in the morning.

I'm still amazed at how thorough the new pat downs are at the airport.  Surprisingly, those rubber gloves didn't chafe at all.  I did need to step outside and have a cigarette afterwards.  I'm just disappointed that I didn't get his phone number.

Once inside the plane, the co-pilot gave us our pre-flight instructions and he said something about "Beachcraft 1900" and "comfort" in the same sentence.  Annita leaned across the aisle and said "comfort?"

They then did the standard safety instructions also.  Of note was the fact that our seat cushion could be used as a flotation device.  I'm trying to think of a place that has less water than the area between Garden City Kansas and Denver Colorado.  The only place I can think of is the Sahara Desert.  I'm pretty sure they've recently discovered that most locales on the planet Mars have more water than western Kansas.  I guess I should feel lucky.  If, by some chance, our plane happens to crash land in some farmers stock tank, I'm not likely to drown.

I'm merrily typing away on my computer, composing this blog and Annita is sitting beside me, sipping on her McDonald's coffee and reading her new book.  My main complaint about the second leg of our journey is that Annita is sitting in row 30 and I am, for some unknown reason, sitting in row 36.  It's like when we take trips with friends and they separate us so they don't have to put up with our PDA's (Public Displays of Affection).  I didn't think we made THAT big of a scene the last time we flew.....

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