Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Favorite Son in Law!!!

For those unaware, Ian and I have a bit of a competition about who the "favorite son in law" is.  I had a brilliant idea on the way to the airport and picked up a couple of shirts and some highlighter pens.  Amy colored the shirts and I stuffed them into my carry on bag.  It was extremely difficult to not say anything the first two days here, but we arrived in Taupo and Ian was saying how he was #1.

I went down and grabbed the two small Christmas gift bags and Annita and I herded everyone into the living room.  I made a bit of a presentation out of it, of course.  I said, "Viv, you had left these presents with us in Kansas and I brought them over here for you.  I haven't even looked in the presents so I have no idea what's in them.". I'm pretty sure no one believed me.

We had Ian open his first.  Oddly enough, his was in pink.

Mine looked much better in blue!!

We retired to the deck and drinks, followed later by a round of Texas Hold 'Em, which I dominated!!!

Next post, Taupo!

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