Tuesday, February 21, 2012

BIG News!!!!

Some of you may be wondering why I haven't posted any more pictures from our Australia trip last November.  Some of you may not even be aware that we were gone!!!  LOL

Well, I've been somewhat busy the last few months trying to finish a program and get it up for sale.  I've actually sold two of them so far and have been scrambling to get it finished and get the website done.  The program has been done for a couple of weeks but the website hasn't been ready.

That's no longer the case....


The site is now 100% finished!!!

Now I can get back to work on getting the program ready for my second buyer, who is actually my first buyer but at a different feedlot, but you know what I mean.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I'm beginning to think my wife is a bit of a Scrooge.  She made me take down the Christmas tree today.  Can you believe that?  I realize it's the day after Valentine's Day but come on.  We're just going to have to put up another one in another 9 or 10 months.  I'm just ahead of the curve.

I mean, think about it.  They're already putting up Christmas decorations by Halloween.  Give it another decade or so and we won't be the only ones with a Christmas tree up in February, am I right?

If I'm wrong, that needs to be one of the new marriage vows for men.  I vow to love, honor, cherish, and have the Christmas tree down by February 1st, then I'll know what I'm supposed to do!!!

I know I'm in trouble when I get "the look."  That's when I remind her that she agreed, for better or for worse.  She used to ask me, "When does it get better?"  She doesn't anymore because she knows my answer.  "You've already had the better, it just gets worse."